Root King Q10 Black Garlic is formulated from the fermented organic garlic and selected herbs. It contain nutrients such as amino acids and antioxidants agent.

Using more advanced fermentation process, RootKing Q10 Black Garlic is free of odour and its active components are enhanced. Other health beneficial components like S-allylcysteine is produced from the evolution of allicin that helps balance good cholesterol.

RootKing Q10 Black Garlic also contain Noni that nourish cells, tissues, fight free radicals and activate the immune system. Together with green tea and turmeric extract that is rich in antioxidants properties, RootKing Q10 Black Garlic also help to maintain cholesterol at healthy level, support blood circulation and the immune system.

Benefits of RootKing Q10 Black Garlic
– Serves as antioxidants
– Relief general tiredness
– Support heart health
– Enhance the immune system
– Maintain healthy blood pressure and blood lipid
– Skin condition, aid digestion and regulate bowel movement

Contains 250mg x 80 capsules

Weight 0.12 kg


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