Chlorella is a single-celled, fresh water alga which has been estimated to be in existence for 2 billion years. It is approximately the size of a human blood corpuscle. Despite the small size, it has very strong survival instincts and contains a lot of nutrients.

Benefits of chlorella:

Removes heavy metals and toxins from the body.
Strengthens the body’s immune system.
Improves digestion and manages constipation.
Neutralizes excessive body acids.
Great source of easy to digest protein.
Improves skin condition (e.g. acne, eczema).
Stimulates body growth and prevents ageing.
Regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Boosts energy and ability to focus and concentrate.
Prevent common illnesses (e.g. cold and flu).
Reduces odour and bad breath.
Reduces excessive fats.
Reduce hair loss.

Contains 1000 tablets x 200mg

Weight 0.53 kg


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