Cal-Plus 补钙康
100 capsules per bottle 550mg (浓缩)(concentrated)
Effect 作用:
Lubricating joints: Glucosamine is a natural amino acid. By directly supplementing glucosamine, it can promote the process of synthesizing cartilage, help to lubricate joints, supplement articular cartilage and increase joint strength and toughness.
Regenerating cartilage: Contains type II collagen, namely bone collagen, which is the main organic component of joints and cartilage. It can help repair articular cartilage and promote the repair of collagen fibers.
再生软骨:含II 型胶原蛋白,即骨胶原蛋白,是关节和软骨的主要有机成分。能够帮助修复关节软骨,促进胶原纤维的修复。
Increase bone mineral density: with age, if you do not supplement calcium, it will accelerate calcium depletion and lead to osteoporosis. The addition of active calcium can increase bone mineral density, improve reconstruction, and prevent osteoporosis.
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory: according to the compendium of Materia Medica, frankincense can promote blood circulation, myrrh can disperse blood, and together aid in the relief of pain, reduce swelling and regenerate muscle. Cal-Plus contains highly purified frankincense and myrrh, which can help joints quickly reduce pain, swelling, inflammation and other symptoms.

Ingredients 成分:
Calcium (corn extract) 钙(玉米提取)
Type II collagen (from chicken) II 型骨胶原(来源自鸡)
Glucosamine (shrimp / crab shell extract) 葡萄糖酸胺(虾/蟹壳类提取)
没药(两者为中药,消炎止痛作用) (both are traditional Chinese medicine with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects)
Indications: calcium supplement, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, prevention of joint degeneration and improvement of pain caused by bone spur

Recommended dosage 建议服用:
For general health care take 3 capsules twice a day 普通保健1日两次,一次3粒
For mild pain take 4 capsules twice a day 小痛治疗1日两次,一次4粒
For severe pain take 5 capsules twice a day 大痛治疗1日两次,一次5粒
In general,you can see improvements after taking one box. One course of treatment lasts 2 months. Two courses of treatment are recommended for severe patients. Can be taken regularly or occasionally for general well being. 一般服用一盒后能够改善情况。两个月为一个疗程。日后偶尔补充保健即可。严重患者建议服用两个疗程。
Storage 储存方式:store in a cool place 放置于阴凉处
Caution 注意事项:
Pregnant women and lactating women should consult a doctor first. Take before or after western medicine at intervals of more than 1.5 hours. 孕妇与哺乳期女性先咨询医师。服用西药隔开1.5小时以上。


Expiry date: 06/2024

Weight 0.12 kg


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