“Ai Ai Tie” product introduction:
In traditional Chinese moxibustion, there are moxa sticks, moxa grains, moxa sticks, etc. The purpose of the name “Ai Ai Tie” is to distinguish it from it. “Ai Ai Tie” is one of the meridian regimens.

(1) “Ai Ai Tie” health concept: “Ai” wherever it hurts, as simple as that.

(2) “Ai Ai Tie” feature: patented product. It is the only domestic moxa product certified by the international SGS and is highly recognized by the top domestic moxibustion expert Shan Guimin. The smoke is small, the energy is strong, the size is small, the capacity is large, the reputation is good, the effect is good, it is easy to use, it is safe, it is portable, everyone loves it. Taken from Li Shizhen’s hometown of Qizhou, the top five-year golden old wormwood, 30 kilograms of wormwood leaves to extract 1 kilogram of wormwood, the efficacy is 3 to 5 times that of moxa sticks in the market.

(3) The principle of “Ai Ai Tie”: Ai Ai Tie uses the physical effects of infrared radiation and physical warmth to be absorbed through the skin through the warmth of the skin. It acts on the human body to provide energy necessary for the body’s cell metabolism and immune function, so as to achieve the effect of health preservation and health care.

(4) The effect of “Ai Ai Tie”: Main functions: to clear the meridian and activate collaterals, promote qi and blood circulation, remove dampness and eliminate cold, reduce swelling and dispel congestion, restore yang and prevent adversity. For nose, kidney stones, cervical pain, colds, cough and wheezing, breast enhancement, insomnia, headache, breast hyperplasia, stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea, joint pain, lumbar muscle strain, fatigue and forgetfulness, vision loss, cold hands and feet, irregular menstruation, cold uterus, infertility, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, kidney deficiency and qi stagnation.

Weight 0.35 kg


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