
黑蜂 Honey Bee
乌梅 Mume Fructus
千张纸 Oraxylum indicum

烹煮方法 Cooking Method
所需材料:Ingredients Required:
汤料一包、水 500 毫升。可依各人喜好增加水量。One packet of soup ingredients 500ml of water. Add more water if desired.

一般锅具煮法:Conventional Cooker:
将汤包倒入锅中,加水,大火煮沸后,小火煮半个小时。Place soup ingredients into a pot. Add water and bring to boil. Continue to simmer over low heat for 0.5 hours.

加入适量盐。Add salt to taste.
适合所有年龄层。Suitable for all ages.
一至两人份。Serves 1-2 pax.

请存放在阴凉干燥的地方。开封后请冷藏。Store in a cool, dry place. Once opened keep refrigerated.

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

喉痛水 Sore Throat Relief Drink, 加蜜蜂(一个) Add Honey Bee (One)


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