RED SUN S.O.D. Anti-Acid Tea

Oxygen, which is the source of life, actually “rusts” our body. This is not the oxygen we normally breathe, but activated oxygen, which protects us from viruses. Activated oxygen is also known as “violent oxygen”. If it is generated in excess, its powerful oxidation effect causes diseases, aging, rough skin and other health problems. However, an enzyme, called Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), which is also found in our body, helps to remove redundant activated oxygen and neutralize harmful free radicals to protect our body. The body’s production of SOD enzymes slows down as we age and this weakens the immune system. As excessive free radicals accumulate, it can damage the body and cause major health problems. SOD thus promotes beauty and health. SOD has become a focus of attention in the medical field.

RED SUN S.O.D Anti-Acid Tea is made of Aspalathus Linearis, a plant grown exclusively in the Cederberg Mountains of South Africa. It contains SOD enzymes and minerals that are essential for maintaining good health.

RED SUN S.O.D Anti-Acid Tea is a natural and caffeine-free drink that is suitable for both children and adults. It also is free of additives, preservatives and artificial colouring.

100 teabags

Aspalathus Linearis

Weight 0.3 kg


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