RED SUN Lowcose Tea

As many people today lead busy lifestyles, they not only lack time to exercise, but also to eat healthy. As a result, many people develop health problems such as high blood sugar levels.

High levels of blood sugar can impair blood vessels and restrict flow of blood to internal organs and other parts of the body. This damages body organs and can lead to all kinds of chronic diseases.

RED SUN Lowcose Tea is produced by a renowned Japanese tea factory using high quality cyclocarya paliurus.

Drink RED SUN Lowcose Tea everyday to regulate blood glucose levels and maintain good health.

20 teabags x 3 boxes

Cyclocarya Paliurus

– Brew tea bag with hot water, each tea bag can be used twice.
– Consume 3 times daily after meals, each time using one tea bag.

*Consume daily, regularly, and consistently for better results.
*Results may vary according to individual body conditions.

Weight 0.3 kg


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